Ok, look there is so much going on both in Minnesota and in DC and it seems like every 5 minutes there’s a fresh horror visited upon us and I am not in the proper mental state to attempt to summarize it all and suggest reasonable actions for you to take. I have no doubt that there will be some Indivisible newsletters in the next few days that will do just that and perhaps I can point you towards those. [And yes, I know part of the strategy is to deluge us with so much excrement that we are overwhelmed and incapable of action. No, I do not need a pep talk, an explanation of how things work in this country, or anyone virtue signaling their hope at me. I haven’t given up (see event at the end)]
In the meantime, let’s talk about boycotts. Specifically, the Target boycott that is being called for the month of February.
In case you haven’t heard, Target is under fire for ending it’s DEI programs and many are calling for a boycott. Being headquartered in Minnesota, it is of particular interest to many of us in these parts. I personally was neither shocked nor outraged at Targets announcement - I saw the writing on that wall a long time ago. This is not to say that I agree with their decision. I just can’t work up the outrage on this particular issue when I have so many other (pardon the pun) targets available. Also, being an infrequent Target shopper, my not shopping there in February will not be noticeable since it’s not uncommon for me to go months without visiting. However:
If a large number of shoppers boycott, then it will definitely be noticed
People for whom I have a lot of respect, are calling for a boycott so I say, “Sure, let’s boycott.”
Some have expressed concern for the black businesses that rely on Target
I know the demographics of my state and if you’re from Minnesota, I’m guessing most of you do not have Miss Jessie’s Curl Cream or Caroline’s Daughter Black Vanilla leave-in conditioner in your bathroom like I do.
If you regularly buy products from Target that you know are from black-owned companies, I would suggest finding out if you can buy directly or if they are sold in other stores.
So let’s do this! Don’t shop at Target in February and tell your friends.
So, Indivisible West Metro is hosting a Void Gathering:
We aren't giving up. We just need a second to scream!
Saturday, February 1,
10 am – 12 pm CST. Click on the image above to sign up and receive the Zoom link.
So in keeping with the habit of sharing public-domain media (I’ll share some music one of these days) here’s another Disney clip:

The clip is great. I kept thinking, "who am I" in this cartoon? The administration is the circus - and I just really don't want to be Minnie.